Goggle Guy shows John some of the WORST ways to shoot from cover, 110% tutelage ensues... Video From: Warrior Poet Society
Does recoil cause the muzzle to rise while the bullet is still in the barrel, or is the bullet long gone by then? Could a loose grip cause bullets.
Today we have the distinct opportunity to look at the rarest Military Rifle in the world. The AN-94. Video From: Garand Thumb
The rise in polymer handguns has led to a new development known as the modular pistol. In the firearms world, modular is the buzz word for adaptable, or modifiable.
John meets up with Amir Khillah a former Bellator fighter and pretty much screams like a little girl. Video From: Warrior Poet Society
The SCAR and ACR changed the landscape of small arms design globally. It's rather impressive how allies and enemies alike are borrowing from these two icon rifles. Video From:.