Today, we're going over the parts used in a DIY not-Ruger lightweight 10/22 build so you can tell us why they're all wrong. Video From: Lucky Gunner Ammo
I've always wondered if body armor could stop a 50 cal, or how many plates would be required. The more interesting question was could you survive the shot even.
Today John is joined by WPS lead instructors Paul Perkerson and Josh Griffiths as they weigh the benefits, selection, and special considerations Warpoets should keep in mind concerning "quick.
You hear people talking about choosing the "best carry gun" or the "best defensive carry gun" all the time. It seems everyone has their opinion as to what the.
Hunting whips have been used since the early 1900s. According to the size, weight, and length of the whips, they were often offered as 'ladies' or 'gents.' Because men are.
We're looking at how blank ammunition works, why it's dangerous, and what part blanks played in three separate gun-related deaths in the entertainment industry. Video From: Lucky Gunner Ammo